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Call Us 9811600229
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Please specify your Industry.—Please choose an option—AutomotivefoodElectronicsHardwareRubber and TyreToysHealth CareApparel And AccessoriesPet ProductsOthers
Packaging Machine required?—Please choose an option—Semi AutomaticFully Automatic
Already using Packaging Machine?—Please choose an option—YesNo
Please Specify Your Budget—Please choose an option—1 Lakh - 3 Lakhs3 Lakhs - 5 Lakhs5 Lakhs - 10 Lakhs5 Lakhs - 10 Lakhs10 Lakhs - 20 LakhsNot Known
When you are planning to buy the Packaging Machine?—Please choose an option—Immediate1 - 3 Month3 - 6 MonthNot Known
Specify your products you want to Pack.